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Basic Spells

Basic Spells are the simplest tier of magic to learn! Even though they are pretty well, basic, They are an important step to more powerful magics!

Single Element

Body Heating

This is one of the easiest of the fire spells to learn, as the way scarfits were created makes their bodies act like mammals.

The easiest way to learn this ability is to go somewhere hot and let the heat soak into your body; try to remember the sensation and recreate it using your magic in a cooler environment.

Melt materials

A step up from heating up the body, melting materials puts the heat your body and magic create and condense it to a smaller area; usually the limbs of the scarfit.

One way to practice this is to hold ice in your hands and heat your body, trying to focus the heat towards the ice.

Lighting flammable objects

One step above melting objects is catching things aflame with just a touch! While you can do this with matches and enchanted objects, you probably wouldn't have them in an emergency situation. This is where fire spells come in handy!

To do this ability, you must have an object that you can light on fire. Then focus on heating the tip of your finger to the point that it is glowing bright red. A candle is handy for this, as you can control what part burns.

Smoke Manipulation

To get a good idea on how flame manipulation works, you first have to learn how to control the smoke. This ability is best learned indoors with a fireplace, so no wind can change the smoke's density.


This is an extremely useful survival spell as it can help you locate water in tough situations. It is also the first spell teachers will teach their class.

An easy way to learn this spell is have someone hide a glass of water somewhere while you do your best to detect it's location.

Create Fog

An important step to learning how to condense water is creating fog. The best place to learn is near water sources in humid environments (Like a bathhouse or hot spring!).

Try and imagine the molecules of water floating around and then bring them down into a lower layer within your mind; If done correctly this should bring them lower in real life, condensing them into fog.

Manipulate water

This is a good way to fill things up quickly, or to have fun with impromptu water bombs during summer! Water is a little tricky to keep together due to how liquidy it is, but you gotta admit that it's pretty cool. A good way to learn it is by sitting in a pool of water and focusing on the way it moves, then try and pull some of it from the pool without cupping it in your hands.

Blow bubbles

A simple trick, blowing bubble is a fun way to have fun! Provided the fact that you don't choke from water getting into your airways. There is a reason this is taught after water manipulation after all.

To learn this pour water into your mouth (don't swallow!) and squish it around, then with your magic and your breath, blow and hope it doesn't spill onto the floor insted.

Heal with plants

Useful for healing bumps and scrapes, Healing with plants is a somewhat easy skill to learn. Techniques for learning this skill varies for each scarfit. Some can use the plant whole with no issue, while others need a paste instead.

Sprout seeds

This is pretty usefull if you want your plants to start growing at the same time in the beginning of a season. How do you learn this?

This requires a few supplies. What you need to do is grab a pot with soil in it and moisten it, then plant the seed with a small opening for you to see it. Put your hands on the soil and think about the plant growing and what it will become.

Soothe creatures

A good thing to learn if you take care of many creatures. To learn this you will need to have a calm mind. Hold the creature you are trying to calm and hum, thinking about calming things.

Sense Plant/Creature health

Yet another skill to learn if your job has anything to do with creature care, as well as gardening.

When learning this ability, you must put your hand against the lifeline of the being you're learning to sense. (Heart for creatures and stem for plants.) If you feel either healthier or start to feel sick, then you know you're doing it right!

Enhanced hearing

If you are trying to spy on someone (which you shouldn't you naughty scarfit) or hear something that's a little too quiet, this is the way to go! To learn this ability it's reccomended you have a partner whisper words across a room. Try to focus on them and tilt your ears or head towards the sound.

Create a dust devil

Good for gathering dust and guiding it out of the house, this skill is needed for more advanced spells later on. Just be careful as this spell can pick up things you don't want to lose!

Create small drafts

Is it too hot where you are? don't want to get wet but want to cool off? This spell is perfect to cool off during heat waves, or to mess with someone by blowing their papers off their desk.

Sound manipulation

Good for puppet shows and playing with your kids, sound manipulation can make toys come to life with their own voice! Or you can use this as a mute button on those nosey neighbors.

More to come!

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