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Cash Shop

This shop is Optional! You can acquire these items through earning group currency or points as well

  • You are limited to three (3) purchases per week!

  • Message misluc or LuchuIsASquirrel on discord/Deviantart to tell us what you bought so it can be put into your inventory!

  • Please be patient while we process your cash purchase.

Use this to get an extra myo slot!

Remember to message misluc or Luchu to apply it to yours (or friend's if gift) account!

Make Your Own.png

MYO Fuzzgem

Use this to transfer in a character!

(Please note if you transfer a character from another ARPG you won't be able to use them anywhere else)

Rebirth Fuzgem.png


Use this to breed two scarfits together and get a teni! Or even multiple! 

(Can be used 2 times unless multiple are rolled.)

Loving Fuzzy.png


$2.99 USD

$3.99 USD

$4.99 USD


The Creator of Scarfits


Resource Account

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