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  • Can be identical or fraternal

  • Can also be dwarf and/or albino!

  • When the parent is budding, the fluff is also increased somewhat.

  • during gem formation, it might be a more painful than normal, but they'll all pop off at the same time, so that's a bonus for the parent... right?


- Can I reroll the teni if I don't like them?

No, once rolled it's final.

- Can I donate the fuzzgem to the group without making the app?


No, but you can trade it.

- If I use my free slot then submit the teni app and it's approved, can I donate them to open the slot back up? What if it's a paid slot?


No, once a free slot is used it's gone. Paid slots can be reused one more time after donating the teni attached, unless multiple were bred the first time.

- What if I don't like the roll? Do I have to get it approved?

Of course not! They can sit in limbo forever if you wish.

- What if my Scarfits are the same sex? How do I get them a fuzzgem?

Currently there's no way for same sex couples to breed. You can always find a stud or have your Scarfits adopt!

- I bred with a friend and they left the group, is there any way I can get the baby?

If they note the group to give you the unformed fuzzgem beforehand, then yes you can.
If the application was already submitted or they left suddenly then I'm sorry, the teni is lost to the void.

-Can I get multiple/dwarf or albino teni with my free slot?

Free slots have an even smaller chance, so I recommend using a paid slot.

-Do I have to use all the upgrades rolled?

Nope! You can even have a completely naked baby if you want!

-Can I portray my Scarfit budding with a fuzzgem that's not related to them mechanic wise?

As long as you put at the top of the description/story that the fuzzgem isn't related mechanic-wise, then yes.

-If the Scarfits involved act friendly/mean towards each other, can this be used for breeding images?

If you want the breeding to be non-cannon story wise, yes. Though for sake of logging mechanic wise it'll be cannon.

- Can I choose not to list grandparents in a breeding roll, even if a parent technically has them?

No, please make sure to list the grandparents for both breeding partners! (Make sure that you let your breeding partner know this if you are studding them)

- Can I list GREAT-grandparents in a breeding roll?

For the sake of our moderator's sanity, please only list direct parents of either/both breeding partners.



Although created through artificial means, Scarfits are able to breed and reproduce! Scarfits do this by magical and biological means. When scarfits mate, magic wells in their gems and is combined with the genetic material; then it is transferred to the female.


The female will go through something called fluff budding. A puff of fluff starts forming on the female's belly, growing in size. When it's time for the fluff bud to fall, the female will experience a period of cramps.

This is most likely due to the gem forming and detaching the bud from the mother.


After a while the bud fully detaches revealing the gem of the newly formed Fuzzgem.

Bud gif.gif


Scarfit “parts” are magically hidden in the body until mating, so there is never a need to draw a ding-dong on a male in a normal drawing.
Their genitals do exist, but are left out of this guide for sake of a PG rating.

Union knot.png

Accidental Budding and Orphanages

Due to the magical nature of mating (and their creation), it is almost a guarantee that a fluff bud will be created after they "do the do".
Because of this, some unfortunately don't want children and will give their Fuzzgems away or even sell them. This is why many do not live with/never meet their biological parents.

Almost every settlement has an orphanage. In which they are fed, taught, and bedded. Most orphanages have rooms for both teni and scarfits to stay until they are either adopted or ready to move on in the world.

(All Make-Your-Own teni start off in an orphanage by default, but if you want to give them a backstory and such you are welcome to it!)


Scarfit's are like us in many ways when it comes to love and usually try to find a life long partner (or partners), though it's not unusual for them to breed with others for the sake of having a child.


A Scarfit union is called a KnotStitch, and usually consists of 2-3 scarfits per "Stitched" couples.

KnotStitches are usually held after 2 of the scarfits involved have made a Fuzzgem, after which a ceremony much like a wedding is held.

After vows are said and rings are slid onto their fingers, a piece of plant based fabric the colors of the pair's arms is torn and knotted before being stitched back up with the knot in the middle

This item represents that even though trouble and sickness they would be together through it all.

After the ceremony, the knot is taken home and hung up in the common area of the house.




Each member has ONE free breeding slot attached to their account. After that you must purchase Lovers Fuzzballs. (either with in game currency or points)

Here’s some things to make sure are in place before you begin!

  • Parents must be biologically male and female in order to produce anything.

  • All breedings must be submitted into the comments of the journal linked in the #breedings channel on discord. When submitting your breeding form, be sure the other artist replies to your comment, giving their approval! (This will give us the thumbs up)

  • You can breed 2 of your own, or you can collab with another artist.

  • Normal Scarfits have a 2 Month breeding cooldown between fuzzgems (due to the health problems Dwarf and Albino Scarfits face, the cooldown for them is 3 Months).

  • You must own at least one of the couple to be able to roll an egg for the pairing.

  • Both Scarfit must be at least 4 months old. (Check the submission date on their approval image.)

  • The Scarfits being bred must not be related.  This means no shared parents or grandparents.  Even one shared grandparent is not allowed.

  • If you collab with another artist, it's up to you both to decide who will own the baby beforehand. 

  • The artist using their slot/claiming ownership of the fuzzgem must be the one filling out the breeding form.

  • Please make sure the other artist is okay with the pairing! ALL fuzzgems produced are considered canon for your characters. Talk to them and collaborate! Some artists may only allow a pairing if they are roleplayed together, or some development has been made first.

  • All Couple Images must have a detailed background and shading!

  • All Couple Images must be unique. The same image cannot be used for multiple breedings.

  • All Couple Images must show the Scarfits that are going to be bred interacting together. Just putting the two together in the same image will not count: they need to be talking, or doing something together, or interacting in some way, shape, or form.


Free or Purchased Slot?:

Owner of Fuzzgem:


Approval Name:
Teni Approval:
Current ref:
Parents: (not NPC)
Known spell types:
Father's previous roll date:


Approval Name:
Teni Approval:
Current ref:
Parents: (not NPC)
Known spell types:
Mother's previous roll date:

Couple images:


Bringing your new teni to life!

Now that you have your rolled fuzzgem, there's a couple more things to note:


You must wait 3 weeks after receiving your teni’s info and ID# before your teni can form.

You also must put the following form must be in the description of your bred teni approval image for them to be approved.

Biological Sex:
Health Condition(s)?:
TYPE: bred
List of Inherited Upgrades:
Formation Location:

Once done, head on over to the discord for approval!


  • Smaller than the average Teni/Scarfit

  • Shirt and gem stay the same size regardless of the teni's size

  • Health complications involve limited mobility, digestive problems as a teni, and sometimes breathing problems

  • Has a harder time when fluff budding

  • Off white in color

  • Shirt and scarf can be any color

  • Health complications can involve weak immune systems, sensitivity to light, and physical weakness.

  • Unable to gain Magic Abilities from parents.

  • Can grow out of this if you so wish.

  • Has a harder time when fluff budding


The Creator of Scarfits


Resource Account

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