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Growing Up?

Adult Turn Around.png

Why should I grow up my character?

While you don't have to grow up your Teni, we'd recommed growing them up at some point as Tenies are limited in what they can or cannot do.


While it may be easier to keep them young, you should try and grow them up at some point.

How do I grow up my Scarfit?

First, your Teni needs to be at least a month old. You can find the submission date under the description.

Maxie  APP Example.png

They also need 4 Fullbody Images.

If you have both of those requirements you can move on to the next step!

Next, Get the Grow up template from

Next, draw your Teni and it's adult form.

(Note: we recommend drawing your images separately and then pasting the transparent images into the template later)

Maxie  Grow Example.png
Once it’s ready for uploading, submit it as a deviation (NOT stash!)

Make sure to add the following in your description:

Upgrades And Proofs:

Approval Image:

4 Colored Fullbody Images:
After that is done, go to the discord an submit it into the #scarfit-approvals channel.
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