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Kiddle turnaround.png

Model Turnaround By Luchu

Singular: Kiddle
Plural: Kiddles


Group: A Field of Kiddles.

Kiddles are plant like mammals who are magically imbued with the ability to grow leaves from their hides. Kiddles usually grow up to two on each side, though some have been known to grow even more.

Two Kiddles.png

Wild Kiddles would often make their homes next to pure water, either from a stream or hot spring,

The wild Kiddles are usually in a group of four or more, with one being chosen as the leader of the field.

The wild Kiddles are non-confrontational, though if provoked they will ram the percieved threat, with their gemstone producing spores that will irritate the threat's eyes and nose.

Tamed Kiddles

Tamed Kiddles are often kept as pets, because of their inteligence.

Kiddles can come in a variety of colors, though the most common color themes can be dull.


If Kiddles are cared for well enough, the leaves on their hide will become pallatable and can be made into tea or used in salads.


Though if you'd rather eat very bitter foods, you could harvest the leaves that fall off of wild Kiddle fields.

How do I get one?

Some ways to receive a Kiddle is to buy a Bundle, receive one from events/contests, or win an MYO Kiddle slot.

Bought a Kiddle Bundle? head over HERE to find out the traits you can pick out!

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