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A mammal with rubbery skin, horns, white or gray wool, black hair around the neck, and a furry face. Their tail curls inward and their mouth points down, almost like a soft beak with teeth.
The Qakrot is a farm animal whose main role in society is to be the provider of clothing materials. Their diet consists of bugs, grass, and the occasional fruit.

Qakrots are an… interesting creature. Their call is reminiscent of a cartoon chicken screaming, and if they are not shaved the hair around the Qakrots neck can smell like rotten eggs and Qakib shooms. Hence the name "Qakrots".

Without their hair and wool they honestly look weird.
They live in herds where the… uh… actually, how do they decide who leads the herd? It just seems so random. Even the best ecologist in the land can't figure it out.
They communicate through biting, yelling and butting heads. If you've ever been bitten by one you'll know how sticky their saliva is… why are we raising Qakrots again?


Oh well at least their babies are cute.
Baby Qakrot.png
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