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Singular: Roygeebug
Plural: Roygeebugs


Group: A Rainbow of Roygeebugs

Roygeebug header.png

Roygeebugs are beatles with a friendly disposition who are commonly bred and kept as pets by scarfits! They eat a wide variety of foods from meat like insects and shrimp to vegitation like fruits, vegies and leaves.


There is something very special about these sweet little critters, and that is their ability to create a paint like substance that can be used to decorate many things! The paint sack is safe to remove and it's reccomended to do so on pet Roygeebugs as if it gets too full it may pop off mid flight and leave an unwanted mess. in the wild they use this liquid to mark their territory and areas where the best food can be found!
"How do they create this paint?" you may be asking.

By taking the pigments of the food they eat! You can get a wide range of colors by giving your pet RGBug a combination of food, though it's a little difficult to get more complex colors.

This pigment is not a waste product, but a byproduct of their evolution. These beetles still use the restroom like any other creature. Since the pigment is not full of germs it's safe to use as food dye, but don't go trying to eat the paint sack!

There is no clear outward distinction between male and female Roygeebugs, however you can tell if a roygeebug is wild-born or domesticly bred by the coloration of their carrapace.

Roygeebug Wild2.png

Wild Royygeebugs are earthy tones like grayscale and various browns. The only splash of other colors is their eyes, patterns and paint sacks.


Domestic bred Roygeebugs are a varitety of colors with many patterns and traits not found on their wild cousins.

How do I get one?

You can create one by buying a bug cage, winning an MYO pet voucher, or through winning rare ones in raffles!

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