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species and art by ThePokeDaycare on DeviantArt


Type: Mount

Males: Scrapers

Females: shredders

Babies: scaflings


Scafellwings mostly eat sand, rock,metals ,and rarely gems. Minerals are their favorite for feasting on ,but some scafs can be very picky when eating. Some only like red gems, and some only like to eat metal ,and opal. Heck there have been times a scafell wing will only eat one thing one time and never again,and  then there are a,so those ones that will always eat anything no matter what. It doesn’t matter what the mineral is, they will eat it.

Basic anatomy

The basic anatomy of a scafell wing is easy to identify. These features are what make a scafell wing a scafellwing and everyone of the species is found with these or a form of these.

Basic head frill, wing like arm gliders, heart gem (found on chest), mind gem (found on head) , standard tail,regular round pupils with one eye color, tiny head horns, two toe claws,webbed feet,bioluminescent freckles. Metallic nose plate, sharp teeth.


Scafellwings found with features other than these, like one without arm wing gliders, or one without a mind gem, are considered mutants or ill forms of the species.


Eggs are hard with metal ,or other metal plates on them for protection. The gem on it is the baby’s heart gem. If it breaks ,if the gem gets damaged the baby will either have serious birth defects ,or will die. Females will care for their eggs gently and patiently as to not injure the gem on it. She will only allow one person in her family, mainly her bonded partner to touch the eggs and help her care for them. The father scaf is only allowed to see the eggs the mother will not let him touch the eggs for his and their safety.




They are somewhat derpy ,and know nothing about the world; they can often be found munching everything trying to find out what it is and if they can eat it. They are very cuddly to their partners and parents ,and not known to be aggressive to anything. If anything they are more like scaredy cats. They run from the slightest hint of danger.

The babies are very easy to train and are very quick learners. Scarfits like to take this chance to teach them tricks ,and to train riding skills by putting training saddles and bridles on them. The tricks are used in talent,and beauty shows to show off how the little babies have grown and evolved over their life.


These mounts are fast runners and are good carriers. They can run up to eight hours without break and can run as fast as ten scarfits. Their saddles ,and bridles are made for comfort and long haul rides since these creatures are known for caring heavy metals ,and other materials. Bonding with a scafellwing is a deep thing with scarfit ,and scafell wing. The bond lasts for a scafellwings' whole life ,and if the scarfit ever disowns them they’ll fall into a depression causing them to stop eating ,and only sleep unless they can find a new bond with their new owner. Scafell wings will protect their bond partner with their whole life,and no matter what will 

Sacrifice themselves for their scarfit. They are loyal, hardy,and kind.

In the wild

Scafell wings live in groups known as clumps. They are usually made up of three to four adult males ,and seven to twelve adult females. They eat everything a domestic one would but are not picky about it. They eat anything they can which can appear to be a nuisance at times especially to miners ,and gem collectors. Unlike domesticated scafs these scafs will be aggressive to scarfist ,and other domestic creatures until tamed. It is never a good idea to try and breed a new wild scaf with a domestic scaf it could lead to serious injuries to the domestic scaf. Wild scafs only breed during the seasons when they move to new homes. Aka their winter,and summer homes. Their winter home is usually at the base of mountains where the snow is less,and where the water is mostly thawed. Summer homes are high up on the top of the mountains . The easiest time to catch one is just before winter ends ,and when the snow begins to melt. Their breeding is the same as the domestic along with egg count and caring rituals.

How can I get one?

We are working on a way to make a make your own page, but for now they can be won in raffles.

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